Saturday, July 20, 2019

The lost battle :: essays research papers

The Alamo   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  General Sam Houston is in charge of the Alamo but he needs time to get a army ready to fight Santa Anna. Houston trusts Jim Bowie and Travis but now Bowie is drunk so he leaves Travis in charge of the Alamo. Then Houston leaves with his army to get it ready to fight. Bowie wakes up from being drunk and they raise the flag. Bowie doesn’t think they can beat Santa Anna and his 7,000 troops. Travis gets word that Santa Anna and his men just crossed a river that is way closer than he had thought. Travis does not tell his troops because they have no hope. Davy Crockett arrives at the Alamo with his men and they dance and drink. Travis does not drink and he wants to give a speech to all of the men about how Texas has no rights. Crockett makes Emil pay a little boy a tip for caring a woman’s bags. Crockett wants her to leave if she wants. Emil and his men try to attack Crockett in the street and Crockett and Bowie beat them up and then they go and have a dr ink. The women told Crockett that there was gun powder in a church and then Crockett and Bowie and some of their men that were sober went to get it and they bring it back to the Alamo they find about 50 rifles and gunpowder. Crockett has Flaca write a letter in Spanish to himself. Travis asks Crockett to ask his men if they will fight and he asks them and they will stay and fight. Crockett has Flaca read the letter in front of everyone and says its from Santa Anna but then after they talk about it he tells them it was from him and that he wrote it. Crockett make Flaca leave to safety. The Mexicans come and tell them to leave but Travis wants to have a war. The Mexicans have a huge cannon so at night Crockett and Bowie sneak out with their men and blow it up by putting mud down the cannon. They are running back and the Mexicans are shooting at them but they all make it back ok. Travis says that they cant do that again. Bowie says he’s going to leave in the morning with his men but Crockett gets him drunk and then he changes his mind and says he’s going to stay and fight in the war.

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