Thursday, July 18, 2019

Study skills for distance learner

This type of education has gained its growing popularity with the developing of Internet, even paving in the different parts of the world, students can simply interact with their teachers and exchange materials over the net. Distance learning has a lot of advantages that make It really a strong and potential competitor against a traditional education. For example, by attending a distance learning course, learners can study at their own place, with their own time and flexible schedules combine different actively simultaneously. It Is also useful for people over 25 who mostly have a full time Job and can study after It.Also It Is a great financial advantage as during stance learning, travel expenses and educational fees are significantly lower. Distance learning is defined as a form of education in which learners and instructors are separated during the majority of the instruction; furthermore, learners have the opportunity to learn whenever a computer is accessible to them Monsoons, 2 003; Andre, 2005, Anderson, 2008). Within this new technology era, nothing is possible anymore. Prosthetic (2010) agreed and added that increasing web-based technologies have significantly influenced the dynamics of teaching and learning.The online aroma has lead distance learners and their Instructors Into new possibilities for interaction and Information access Monsoons, 2003; Prosthetic 2010). In many circumstances, respond to distance learning and education programs have been positive, although more research is needed. There are many different techniques that are used in the distance learning. The most popular and efficient are e-mails, forums, faxes, print materials, video recordings, internet radio, telephone, live streaming and many more.Thanks to all these technologies, distance learners can receive the same learning source such as terrestrial, worksheets and writing assignments same as full time students on campus. Definition of study skills Study skills can be defines as a combination skills of ability knowledge and experience that enables a person to do something well (http:. ‘/ skill is vital for distance leaner in order to help them to cope with their studies. Research shows that learning skills influence academic achievement whereby they enhance increasing in academic skills and performance.The significance of learning skills is also shown in the many instruments that have evolved. There are several hypes of study skills. Students will need to improve deferent skills at different times in their career. They will also wish to use different methods according to their particular need and learning style time. What then are the study skills that students need to improve, apart from those taught inside the program? They can be divided into four stages: time management, note taking, information seeking and communication skills.Distance learning program tend to have a looser structure and many students are studying alongside a Job or personal commi tments. Working out hen you can study and how to make best use of precious study time is essential if the student is going to succeed. Good organizational skills are also essential to deal with course materials and administrative matters. Knowing how to get advice, are skills worth developing, including when and from whom, as distance learners often have to be their own advocates and need to develop the resourcefulness to do this.Time management Time Management skills are crucial for successful people. These are the useful techniques that have helped the leading people in sport, business and public service each the high points of their careers. Time management is the way you regulate or schedule your time. Learning good time management techniques can motivate you to accomplish your goals. (Rite O' Donahue, Mill, M. A. (Deed) 2005-2006) National University of Ireland, Galway) by keeping Journal activity for several times helps you to know when you perform at your best and understand how you spend your time.Don't change your daily routine, note down everything that you always do. Every time you change activities, whether working, making coffee, opening mail, talking with colleagues or whatever, note down any changes. Same goes with recording activities, note your feeling, whether, flat, tired, alert, energetic, etc. Do this regularly throughout the day. Time management has been described using many terms including balance, spontaneous, flexibility, and having control over time (Laurie – Ann M. Hellenizes (2012) What do we know about time management; Lankier 1973).Many people experience time management problems and suffer from time pressure and an increasingly fast pace of life (Hawkins & Klaus, 1997; Major, Klein, & Rather, 2002; McCullough, 1984; Attachment, Dotterels, & Parker, 1996; Heisenberg, Bergsten, Cote, Craver, & Heath, 1982). There are several skills in time management, such as planning, proportioning, organizing, and list making and perseverin g. By having a good time management its helps us to become more productive, stress free and you will be able to create your own free time when you are needed.As a distance learner, time management skills are vital in order for you to cope with your studies. Management effectives in increasing your learning skills. However, individuals who participated in a time management program did perceive more control over their mime after the program. Perceived control over time was related to positive outcomes. Individuals who perceived having more control over their time reported fewer Job induced tensions, fewer stresses, and greater Job satisfaction than individuals who did not perceive themselves as having control over their time.Note making and note taking Note making and note taking is one of the important study skills for distance learners. What to note down and how detailed the notes should be, takes time to develop. It is difficult therefore you need to develop you self with basic ski lls of note asking and note taking. The ability to take good notes will help you save time and focus on your studies. The difference between note taking and note making is, notes taking is happen when you listen to e-tutorial lecturer, seminar or writing down what other people say by taking important notes from it.In dissimilarity, note making involves a process of personal understanding. You will remember the entire note that you making by your own because you are learning and understand the topic. This may take several time to complete. Yet, it is much more efficient and effective in arms of learning than trying to sort out lecture notes and read text books in great haste before an important test or exam. Note taking its difficult than making note. Some of the approaches from reading note-taking also been apply to listening note- taking.This is because you cannot control the flow of a speech, you cannot expect the tutor to repeat the entire tutorial. You need to prepare yourself b efore coming to the class, such as do a pre revision or pre read of the topic so that you can easily understand during the lecture. Note making will reinforce your understanding of hat you have read for the course. As such, you are urged to use these skills effectively to prepare yourself for the tutorial class. J Song, M. (2012) agreed that note taking and note making effectives in enhance personal skills especially in learning skills.Information seeking skills As a distance learning student, one of the crucial challenges for us to success in our studies is our information seeking skills. This is because in the current era we are living now, the way people post, store and even seek information make it easier for us to access faster and easier for all sorts of information. Students need to have knowledge on seeking the correct and proper information that related to their studies. On top of that, it is important for students to have a good decision making skills and critical thinking to be successful in the learning process.First of all, students need to identify the various sources available for the information. One of the sources which are superior in quality of results which is from the OPAC or Online Public Access Catalogue which is an electronic or online catalogue for materials available from the library. Another source for distance learners to search the information is from electronic databases such as Emerald, Prosiest, NSP e-Media and BLISS to name a few bibliographic records of books, Journal articles, reports, book famous form of searching information in this information age is the Internet.Web search engine such as Google or Yahoo have developed their own search algorithm that can help students retrieve information, Journals, e-book, articles etc. Easier and faster. Research has shown that distance learners decide on using the Internet resources as their primary source in seeking for the information for their studies. Sati and Appropriator (2008) co nsider that almost all students use the Internet because it is convenient, easy and quick access.While the web search engine may be the easiest and fastest way to search for information, distance learners must remember that the accuracy and validity of information retrieved on the internet should be concerned. However most distance learners still choose web search engine such as Google to search for their daily information needs. Thompson, A. J. (2007) found that 83 percent of students from her research used web pages as their daily information resources. The tendency of distance learners uses the Internet for information searching because of the time constraint distance learners have.Many distance learners are studying alongside a Job or family commitments. Communication skills Communication is one of the most important aspects in distance learner. Julia Wood defines communication as a â€Å"systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings† (pa topic 4 module English Communication). Communication is effective when the recipient of the message understands its meaning and can express that meaning back to the speaker or the ender of the message. In a meanwhile, an ineffective communication occurs when the meaning is not understood.Good communication is important in helping you to enhance the quality of work, develop a stable relationship and inhibit misunderstandings, and navigate daily deadlines. Good communication skills also give people an edge in getting the Jobs they want and help them move up the ladder to better paid positions. There are three types of communication in the workplace, which are formal communication, informal communication and non-verbal communication. Formal communication is a message or information delivered wrought the organization.Bartok and Martin, define formal communication as â€Å"Formal communication refers to vertical and horizontal communication that flows path specified by the official hierarchical organizational structure and related task (http://thebusinesscommunication. Com). Example, in a workplace where employee getting information or instruction from superior is consider as a formal communication. The formal communication is aimed to complete a tasks to meet the management goals. Informal communication can be defined as informal and spontaneous or also known as a grapevine. Grapevine is an informal network of information among employees.Grapevine can be defined as rumors, even though they are rumors it is also useful to management. This is because through the grapevine, management is capable to deliver information and receive feedback faster without involving too much high cost in achieving it. Informal communication is designed to express the individual desires and interests. People are more relaxed and comfortable when they are in an informal gathering where they sharing or barriers. Example, when you communicate with your lecturer after c lass, you are ore comfortable because it is more flexible and no formal communication required during that time.Nonverbal communication is a type of communication that does not involve writing, either words or verbal. Nonverbal communication is the best technique to communicate emotions. Nonverbal communication involves many different channels that express meaning beyond what is being said. These include body movements, facial expressions, gestures and even vocal tone and pitch. Much of the nonverbal information we get from people comes from the eyes (Bloomberg Business Library – Survive Office Politics. 006, pop-45. App). Nonverbal communication represents you to other people.Nonverbal communication plays an important role in the workplace, especially when you are dealing with the public. Your body gestures, the way you talk and eyes contact can tell a lot about yourself to the other person whether or not you are care, if you are being honest, and how well you are listening. The public can gain trust, clarity and rapport when the nonverbal signal match up with the words you are saying. Otherwise, when they do not understand the message or the message not received well this can create tension, struts and confusion.Eye contact, by looking a person in the eyes when making conversation is often considered the ultimate form of respect. You also can tell them by looking in the eyes that what they are saying is important and understood. Tone of voice also one of the important element in nonverbal communication skills. Tone of voice provides powerful clues into your true feelings throughout pitch, inflection and volume. For example, tone of voice is a quick sign of sarcasm, confidence, frustration or agreement. Nonverbal communication is not only crucial in workplace but also in our daily routine life especially for distance learner.Whether interviewing for a Job, working with a client, or interacting with your colleague, by being able to understand and use no nverbal signals is a powerful tools in enhance human interactions and working skills. Communication skills whether it's formal, informal or nonverbal, it is vital for distance learner. This is because it is helping you to understand better about the studies. Effective communication starts with you. It may require some time and effort to get it right, but you will see the benefits in outstanding performance and purport.Conclusion It is proven from the research studied shown that study skills is vital for distance learners. As a distance learner, it is essentially important to plan your study and monitor your progress to make sure that you were on the right track with your studies. There are many information in the student services and website to help you with your learning. This page provides information that distance learning students, in general may find it useful for their studies. It helps them to understand and cope with their studies.

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