Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chapter Ii: Review of Related Literature

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature History of School Papers In the public high schools in the City of Manila, school newspapers were published as early as 1930, although records show that The Coconut, a mimeographed copy and edited by Carlos P. Romulo came out in the school year 1911-1912. For several years some big schools in the public schools in Manila had one newspaper, the first three pages of which were devoted to English and the remaining pages to Filipino. It was only in 1960 when some big schools published separate issues in English and in Filipino.In 1952, formal instructions in high school journalism began. That was the time when Mrs. Sarah England, an American teacher of Mapa High School, experimented on the teaching of journalism. The experiment proved so successful that other four existing high schools followed suit. These schools formally offered journalism as a vocational subject holding classes on a daily double period throughout the school year. Since then, jo urnalism has been under the supervision of English supervisors, but grades were considered as vocational subjects. History of School Newspapers in the PhilippinesAccording to Jesus Valenzuela in the History of Journalism in the Philippine Islands (1933) and John Lent in the Philippine Mass Communication (1964), the history of campus journalism in the Philippines started when the University of Santo Tomas published El Liliputiense in 1890. However, Oscar Manalo, NarcisoMatienzo, and VirgilioMonteloyola in AngPamahayagan (1985) argued that the history of campus journalism in the country started when the University of the Philippines published The College Folio, now The Philippine Collegian, in 1910.They also added that The Torch of the Philippine Normal University, The Guidon of the Ateneo de Manila University, and The Varsitarian of the University of Santo Tomas were also published two years later. Whatever came first, Carlos Romulo y Pena edited The Coconut, the official student pub lication of the Manila High School, now the Araullo High School. It was published in 1912 and it is now considered the first and oldest high school newspaper in the country. In 1923, La Union High School in the Ilocos Region published The La Union Tab, the first printed and regularly issued high school newspaper in the country.Since then, high school newspapers came out one after the other. Among these high school newspapers were The Pampangan, Pampanga High School, 1925; The Leytean, Leyte High School, 1925; The Rizalian, Rizal High School, 1926; The Coconut, Tayabas High School, 1927; The Volcano, Batangas High School, 1927; The Toil, La Union Trade School, 1928; The Samarinian, Samar High School, 1928; The Melting Pot, Tarlac High School, 1929; The Granary, Nueva Ecija High School, 1929; The Torres Torch, Torres High School, 1930; and The Cagayan Student Chronicle, Cagayan High School, 1931.In 1931, 30 out of 106 high schools in the country had campus newspapers registered at the Bureau of Public Schools. In 1950, this number increased to 169; by 1954, to 253; by 1975, to 500; and by 1986, to more than 900 newspapers in English and in Filipino (Escote, A. 2008). Functions of School Papers Journalism is an academic discourse guaranteed by Republic Act No. 7079, also known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991, which protects freedom of the press at the campus level and promotes the growth and development of campus journalism as a means of developing moral character, encouraging critical thinking, and strengthening ethical values.Journalism, the art and science of writing for newspapers, periodicals, radio, television, and online publications, enfolds timely and factual reports of unusual or unexpected events, opinions, or situations that affect man and his environment. These reports are gathered, evaluated, and published, broadcasted, or posted on the Web to inform, to entertain, or to influence a large number of readers. The School Paper Advisers According t o Binoya (1999), a school paper adviser has his own mission.The effective and efficient management of a school paper is measured not solely or the merit of a written master plan that predetermines a course of action to be pursued for optimum results. It should likewise place a high premium on how the adviser assumes the role as a mentor to budding journalists. Mentoring is a challenging endeavor that is truly regarding to both the teacher and the student. The mentor finds fulfillment in discovery and development an eager learner and potential champion.A disgruntled and inept adviser is the primary source of disenchantment among young workers. Campus journalist to succeed in their craft need to find an adviser who is determined to make jobs to make his work a happy growing experience. School paper advising is a real challenge where problems encountered every adviser must be handed systematically, various local studies were presented such as Tanodra(1992) revealed in her study that th e greatest number of high school paper advisers in Metro Manila ere not adequately prepared and trained in information disseminating work.She further revealed that because of their paper advisers’ encountered problems with their students’ staff, their fellow teachers and school administrator or principal. Binoya (1999) indicates that the adviser’s number one mission is to inspire young writers to give the school publication their best effort. These could be realized by pursuing these goals. 1. Make school paper advising a more challenging task and perform the job at high level of excellence. 2. Don’t make our staff for granted. Recognize that work achievement. 3. Consider the staff as a team. Show our concern.Don’t hide the fact that we are as human as the young people we work with. Roles and Responsibilities The following are the duties and responsibilities of the school paper adviser as listed by Binoya (1999): 1. Organize at the beginning of the school year and handle journalism classes with above average intelligence and inclination to writing. 2. Organize the school paper tasks. 3. Undertake the structuring, cleanliness maintenance of the staff room. 4. Administer division test in journalism, correct and report of such tests. 5. Read memoranda, bulletins, circulars, information, etc. or the implementation and dissemination of pertinent ones in the school paper. 6. Attend journalism in-service meetings, seminar-workshops demonstration, lessons, city-wide and regional contests. 7. Prepare daily lesson plans. 8. Prepare journalism exercises and instructional aids materials. 9. Evaluate and record pupil performance in the journalism aids and materials. 10. Train contestants for decision, regional, and national contest in journalism. 11. Set up timetable for the production and distribution of the school paper. 12. Copy read article for the publications. 13.Type corrected articles submitted by the staff members. 14. Work with the staff and layout of the school paper. 15. Submit articles and pictures with the corresponding picture to the printer. 16. Proof-read typeset materials and follow up production of school paper at the press until its completed. 17. Take picture of significant activities in the school and in the community. 18. Accompany the staff members in the survey of the school and community resources and activities in joining journalism contests and conferences, and in going to and from the press and in awarding ceremonies. 9. Prepare with the staff the dummy and headlines of the school paper. 20. Prepare pictures for the publication, cropping, caption writing, indicating printers’ directions. 21. Verify through research and interview facts reported in articles submitted by the staffers. 22. Prepare financial reports on expenditures from paper subscription funds after every issue. 23. Keep and update school morgue and file of exchanges. 24. Prepare financial reports on expenditures from paper subscription funds after every issue. 25.Take charge of and be responsible for all books, property and equipment issued for the use of journalism classes. 26. Keep and update school paper morgue and file exchanges. 27. Execute and submit a clearance form issued by the Journalism and School Paper services at the end of the school year and upon going maternity leave, sabbatical leave, study leave, resignation, retirement, and transfer to other office, school, division or change of assignment. 28. Submit file copies of every issue of the school paper to the office of the Journalism and School Paper Services 29.Executive and submit performance rating together with the worksheet. 30. Exert all effort and implement all possible means to improve instruction, develop right values, and accelerate performance. 31. Any change in assignment, all books and other staff property should be turned over to this new advisers and critic. Incompetence of Newspapers Advisers Pan (1990) has listed down the major characteristics of teacher, Advisers such as: credibility, trustworthiness, and expertise among those that affect the teachers of journalism and advising of school paper.She also mentioned administrative support, lack of facilities and equipment, in teaching load as some of the problems encountered by the teacher adviser. Oliva (1999) mentioned that campus journalism should be included in the public secondary curriculum. He also suggested that school administrators should give their full support in promoting campus journalism because it is where our future writers will get motivated. He also suggested that school paper advisers should start to educate students abut consequence of media and students should realize the importance of responsible journalism.The lack and the needs to have better (trained) advisers Consequently, Roque (1972) stated that the task of putting out a school publication requires not only the ability to write effectively but also the ability to pl an, finance, and manage the campus paper. He believes that one who undertakes the writing of a guide for teaching journalism should include the various details that go into managing a school paper as well as offer helpful editorial tips in ranging from the development of the papers format to writing and illustrating news on feature story.He believes that a good school newspaper of journalism could take up the choice and training of the staff, how to prepare the budget, how to plan and layout, copy read, developing and printing pictures, style books production and relationship between the press and the administration Sicat (1988) believes that responsible leadership is naturally developed among the students as they come to know their duties and responsibilities to themselves and others.He added that like any other teacher in the school, the school paper adviser must know the many behaviors of students in the organization that affect the daily climate He should be the one who helps th e students move toward self-direction. While assisting the needs and problems of the students, good rapport and empathy are stimulating characteristics of a school paper adviser. School newspaper adviser’s attainment and preparation are factors contributive to the acquisition of knowledge and information, development of desirable habits, skills and display of favorable attitudes and appreciation.Complimentary to educational attainment are the fruits of competence and creativity but dedication is one’s commitment. Attitude and values towards work are the story factors on how to measure the performance of a school paper adviser. Important Writing Skills Considering that the teachers plays a vital role in bringing along the language arts to the mind of the learners, the teacher according Vile (2008:1) should involve setting the conditions for learning by understanding how a learner learns.The teacher has to determine the teaching style, the approach to be used, the method and the classroom techniques, procedures and activities to be used in the classroom. The classroom then must create a conducive atmosphere that is geared towards teaching students how to communicate genuinely, spontaneously and meaningfully in the second or foreign language. Thus, implying the use for communicative competence. (Novilen A. Bendebel 1996)Kinsella (1981) stated that the inability to spell correctly and confidently is one of the most serious problems in writing for many people. If language is incorrect, then what is said is not meant. If what is said is not meant, then what ought to be done remains undone (Jean Wrynick, 1986) Velmonte (1980) pointed out to attain success in speaking or writing in any language, one most first have something to say; one has to know how to express what he wants to say correctly and effectively.This ability in correct expression, oral or written, depends upon the development of certain abilities and skills. Lado (1989) stressed that in a d evelopment of oral and unwritten skills, teachers have to steer clear of the tendency to over-emphasize the parts of speech. The ability to speak and understand a language is different from the mouthing of rules and parts of speech. Often those who can use language are unable to recite its rules and to memorize the parts of speech and also those who can recite its rules are unable to se it. Knowledge about the language is not a substitute for language use. The task of the teacher of composition writing is to establish the context for learning. He can do this by exercising control in setting the students’ task, so that the student is free to invent his own ideas, put them into sentences and paragraphs and organize them within a controlled situation. Whom establishing this context for learning, the teacher must consider. Rizza B. Bagalanon 1999

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Revisiting The Golden Era Of Hindi Cinema

A country of 1.2 billion people, the ancient civilisation of India is a melting pot of cultures and juxtapositions. It is a land that will assault your senses all around. The vibrant colours, exotic aromas, cacophony of sounds, and the amalgamation of flavours will both enchant and offend. Within it more than 20 native dialects are spoken. But in this diversity there is unity found in the common language of their movies. Such is the power and hold over audiences of Indian films. In the space of a darkened cinema, everyone is equal momentarily.The social and economic divides that separate rickshaw driver from the IT engineer are broken and ignored. It provides an escape from reality, the ultimate dream factory where for those three hours, you can be whoever you want to be. The restraints of status, social standing, wealth, religion, education are for a moment forgotten as the audience are compelled to lose themselves in the world playing out before them on the large screen.As the larg est producer of films, the Indian film industry beats both Hollywood and China in terms of the number of films churned out each year. Having accrued such a status through the production of more than 2000 films in India’s various languages, it is no wonder that the magical spell cast upon Indian cinema goers is a hard one to break.The Golden Era Of Films : 1940s to 1960sThe Indian film industry is one of the most well-known film industries in the world today. Indian films are regularly being featured in the top film festivals and Indian actors/actresses are being flooded with offers from Hollywood. Much of the credit for this popularity goes to the film makers of the 1940s to the 1960s who made some evergreen classics that made the world sit up and take notice of Indian films. This era marked the beginning of evolution of Indian Cinema though various genres. We had mainstream film makers like Raj Kapoor who, in the most conservative and formulaic era, made some of the most inv entive, personal and entertaining films such as Awara  (1951) and Shree 420 (1955).Mother India, which many consider the greatest movie of Indian cinema, was made in 1957. The film got India its first nomination to the Oscars as the best foreign film. Some of the other must-watch movies of this era are Mahal (1949), Do Aankhein Barah Haath (1957), Madhumati (1958) and Mughal-e-Aazam (1960). Movies of various genres, including romance, drama, comedy and tragedy, were made, each with great depth in storyline, memorable characters and heart-touching narration. Another acclaimed director and writer of this era was Mr. Kamal Amrohi. His movies had an expressionist direction with a firm structure and poetic style throughout, that is missing from the modern Bollywood movies. He only made four movies altogether and seeing Mahal it’s clear that his main career was as a poet.The film is full of lyrical images, depth of distance and contour and characterisations that inter-relate on s everal levels at once — the logical, the psychological, the emotional and the metaphysical. The Golden Age of Hindi cinema that blossomed with the studio era of the 1950s and ebbed by the early 1970s is one of India’s greatest artistic achievements. A lot of Hindi films made during that time, could hardly be called Hindi films.Rather, Hindustani, a mixture of Urdu and Hindi, was the lingua franca of the silver-screen—a reflection of a country unified by a fascinatingly diverse heritage with linguistic influences from Sanskrit, Farsi, Bengali, Arabic, Panjabi, and a myriad of others. Urdu in films was remarkably accessible—holding a place for any viewer in every genre. True, it is unlikely the entire audience understood each word in those songs. However, in this manner, film and music could be educational for those who did not–a unique way of preserving the culture they reflected back on. As parallel cinema diva Shabana Azmi aptly quipped,â€Å"If you compare today’s songs with the songs of the 1960s and 1970s, then definitely today’s songs are according to the demand. But if you see, Hindi films used to protect the Urdu language as they used it, but it is slowly dying and I feel bad for it.† The legacy of Urdu will continue to add to the allure and nostalgia of old films for generations to come. For the loss of Urdu is more than the mere loss of vocabulary. Without Urdu in Hindi films, we have lost our own andaaz –the manner with which we once communicated our thoughts and feelings, our decorum, and a rich, meaningful ornamentation in  expressing ourselves that can never be replaced. Famous movies of this era being Mughal-e-Aazam, Pakeeza etc.Some of the most critically acclaimed Hindi films of all time were produced during this period. While commercial Hindi cinema was thriving, the 1950s also saw the emergence of a new Parallel Cinema movement. Though the movement was mainly led by Bengali cine ma, it also began gaining prominence in Hindi cinema. Early examples of Hindi films in this movement include Chetan Anand’s Neecha Nagar (1946) and Bimal Roy’s – Do Bigha Zameen -Two Acres of Land (1953).Some of the internationally acclaimed Hindi filmmakers involved in the movement included Mani Kaul, Kumar Shahani, Ketan Mehta, Govind Nihalani, Shyam Benegal and Vijaya Mehta. These films won several awards nationally and internationally and Their critical acclaim, as well as the commercial success, paved the way for Indian neorealism and the Indian New Wave. Subrata Mitra, who debuted as a cinematographer with this film, has been a great influence on India and the world in the field of cinematography.Ray is considered as one of the greatest directors of all-time. Satyajit Ray and Ritwik Ghatak went on to make many other great art films, and other talented directors such as Mrinal Sen, Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Mani Kaul and Buddhadeb Dasgupta followed suit. In the 1960’s, Indira Gandhi, as the Information and Broadcasting Minster, further promoted offbeat cinema with the official Film Finance Corporation supporting such movies. The films received great commercial success as well as critical acclaim. Guru Dutt’s Pyaasa (1957) and Kagaz Ke Phool (1959) are among the finest movies ever made.This era was a golden age for Indian music as well, giving us melodious music that continues to inspire music directors till date. Playback singers such as Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhonsle, Kishore Kumar, Mohd Rafi and Manna Dey reached the zenith of their careers during this era. We had some of the most amazing and charismatic actors like Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Dev Anand who cast a spell on the Indian audiences with their fresh style and acting talent. The most beautiful women ever seen on celluloid, such as Madhu Bala, Vyjayanthi Mala, Meena Kumari and Waheeda Rahman, graced the screen during this period. They had not just beauty but great acting  talent, which helped them play the most challenging roles with utmost ease and perfection.Overall, the 1940s – 60s was a period that revolutionized Indian cinema. Prior to this period, most movies centered around mythological, historical or family related themes. Romance was portrayed in the most beautiful and sensitive manner during this period, and in a society where almost everyone had arranged marriages, it brought about a fresh wave of thought among the youth. The films depicted everyday lives as well as larger social issues in a subtle, yet highly impactful manner, and remain as inspiration for generations of film makers to come.Parallel Cinema : Rise and Fall What is Parallel Cinema?The Indian New Wave, commonly known in India as Art Cinema or Parallel Cinema as an alternative to the mainstream commercial cinema, is a specific movement in Indian cinema, known for its serious content, realism and naturalism, with a keen eye on the socio-political climate of th e times. This movement is distinct from main stream Bollywood cinema. The term â€Å"parallel cinema† has started being applied to off-beat films produced in Bollywood, where art films have begun experiencing resurgence. This led to the emergence of a distinct genre known as Mumbai noir, urban films reflecting social problems in the city of Mumbai. In contemporary cinema, the term â€Å"parallel cinema† is being used to describe any out of the box movie.Parallel cinema essentially is made up of the non-mainstream films that are not made for commercial successes or garnering profits. These are usually low-budget movies, and focus on the social or political issues prevalent in our nation. The tradition of parallel cinema can be dated long back into the 1920s and 1930s. The history of Indian Cinema cannot be told without the mention of India’s biggest director ever, Guru Dutt. He has been time and again accredited with ushering the golden era of Indian cinema. His work was purely artistic and lyrical in terms of content and enjoyed commercial success. He was loved by the audience despite the fact that his work was based on subjects that were considered taboo at that time.Fall Of Parallel Cinema : Some Hindi filmmakers such as Shyam Benegal continued to produce realistic Parallel Cinema throughout the 1970s, alongside Mani Kaul, Kumar Shahani, Ketan Mehta, Govind Nihalani and Vijaya Mehta. However, the ‘art film’ bent of the Film Finance Corporation came under criticism during a Committee on Public Undertakings investigation in 1976, which accused the body of not doing enough to encourage commercial cinema. The 1970s thus saw the rise of commercial cinema or the so called â€Å"popular cinema†. Many movies from â€Å"popular cinema† never actually become popular; then why such movies are called popular? They are out of mind as soon as they are out of sight.Cinema critics have euphemistically termed such movies, which are primarily intended to entertain and make big bucks, though commercial, as â€Å"popular†. â€Å"Popular† cinema, the term used for cinema which is â€Å"less† thought provoking but is more leisurely and mellow-dramatic. Popular cinema emerged in the ‘60s and ‘70s and since then has been successful. Popular may be less in intellectual content, but enjoys more commercial success than parallel cinema. It has always been loved by the masses for the escape it offers from the gruelling daily life. There have been fewer times when parallel cinema has enjoyed the kind of success and acceptance popular cinema does and gets. Parallel cinema has always been liked by a particular kind of audience, a trend that fortunately seems to be changing now.â€Å"Parallel† cinema, a category of cinema very advantageously crafted for the inclusion of realistic movie; a kind of realism that doesn’t get mass acceptance because of how hard hitting it can be. Parallel cinema has been in existence since the emergence of Indian cinema. It all started when no specific category existed and all kinds of movies were given equal importance. Unapologetically, the audience showed preference to a certain category which had elements of fantasy and mushiness. As a result, a new class of cinema emerged which promised to be real and thought provoking; a cinema that was proud of being â€Å"artsy†.The reason why parallel cinema is not an equally blessed child might lie in the fact that it is â€Å"real†. It shows the reality and truth behind things. Cinema is considered a means to escape from reality and paying money to see that same reality in a more vivid manner doesn’t appeal to many. In today’s Bollywood scenario, quantity (of moolah) finds precedence over quality (of scripts) and slapstick, verging-towards-obscene  comedies and typical love stories with the boo-hoos and item songs are the super-mega-blockbusters.The films nowadays cater to multiplex audience and they are bound to make a film which sells, no matter even if it is rubbish. The advent of numerous channels, the consumerist culture and the expansion of urban India has given birth to urban-centric audiences. The cinema which once portrayed class struggles and protests against hypocrisy, has given way to more ‘entertaining’ cinema. The situation is rather bleak for the lover of serious and meaningful cinema. The filmmakers who make serious films have failed to make the cut in today’s times and the classics are lost.The Changing Times : In these 100 years of cinema, one can see how society has developed because cinema in some way or another reflects society. Cinema is seen like any other industry now. The acceptance of different film genres surely doesn’t seem like a big thing now as it was in its early years. Even the mindset of the audience is changing with the evolution of cinema. Film makers thus have the courage to make such movies now, and people are more than willing to see and appreciate these films for their intriguing content.There are now a number of directors which enjoy â€Å"popular† success with films that are high on â€Å"intellectual† content too, like Vishal Bhardwaj, Anurag Kashyap and Dibakar Banerjee to name a few. Actors are more than willing to take the risk and be a part of the kind of cinema that has a number of constraints involved. It’s not going to be long when the lines will be blurred between what is â€Å"popular† and what is â€Å"parallel† cinema. . Both commercial and parallel cinema can co-exist, but only if we want!Today’s Need : We need a platform for both these cinemas i.e Commercial or parallel cinema to co-exist. Both these genres need equal recognition. A lot of people are not aware of the less popular, art or parallel cinema. We need to educate people about the existence/history and idea of such cinema. The common masses need to be educated about the various aspects that go behind the making of a film. To encourage and promote young talent to make more meaningful cinema : more and more youths are taking up a career in films.They do not have a common platform to showcase their talents or get enough  credit or recognition for their films. We need a common platform for an exchange of ideas to take place. We need to promote today’s generation and encourage them to watch and learn from the film legends of the past, who were the pioneers of various genres of Indian cinema and brought international fame to the Indian film industry. Preserve, Promote, showcase and educate the common masses today, about the golden era of classic cinema , that brought India, international recognition back in the day.Aim : To design a mixed use public space showcasing, preserving and promoting the cinematic heritage of the Golden Era Of Hindi film industry i.e from 1940’s- 1970’s.Object ive : To design a unique tourist attraction for all visitors coming to Mumbai to experience various aspects of Hindi cinema and understand the process of film making in an entertaining way. To bridge the gap between the film industry and the general audiences and to promote young artists and talent by creating a common platform for the exchange of thoughts and ideas and educating them about the rich Cinematic heritage of Hindi cinema.To develop a Hindi Cine-museum to Preserve, Promote, showcase and educate the common masses today, about the Golden Era of classic cinema along with the parallel cinema that co-existed during that time, through exhibition, articles, posters, sets etc. To create platforms to showcase both Commercial and parallel cinema and their co-existence. We need to educate people about the existence/history and idea behind such cinema.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Gothic novel Essay

‘How far can we accept Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as a typical example of the Gothic Tradition? Focus on specific examples of the genre to illustrate your answer. ‘ Many critics have named Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein as a Gothic novel. A traditional Gothic novel can be described as, ‘ tales of the macabre, fantastic and supernatural. ‘ In the beginning, the word Gothic implied ‘medieval’, but with time its meaning altered, until its emphasis lay on the macabre. Many of the best gothic novels show examples of invention and produce moments of horror far greater than pieces that are less emotive. Frankenstein fits into this category. Victor Frankenstein is an ambitious, although misguided inventor, looking to solve the secret of life. In her introduction, Mary Shelley declares her desire to ‘curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart. ‘ This type of language immediately signals to the reader that Frankenstein should be placed in the gothic genre. Gothic novels are generally said to include some of the following elements. They should be set in a castle with an atmosphere of suspense and mystery, there should be supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events, am ancient prophecy, omens, portents, visions, high or overwrought emotion, women in distress or threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male, and finally the metonymy of gloom and horror. Frankenstein does not really include any of these points to the excess. It is not set in a castle and the language cannot really be said to be mysterious, as we are narrated clearly throughout. Can it still be said to be a gothic novel, even without any of the conventional gothic traits? The term gothic covers a wide variety of texts and is by no means easy to define. It is not that straightforward to therefore relate Frankenstein to other gothic novels. However, some certain elements of Frankenstein can be determined as gothic, even though other parts may not fit the pattern.

Suicide Before and After Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Suicide Before and After - Essay Example This paper submits that while these measures are important, and in fact, are supported by a great weight of scientific evidence, in dealing with the family and helping them cope after the suicide of their loved one, it is best to treat the person as a unique individual, rather than as a statistic to affirm previously-projected patterns. It is important to discuss my first-hand experience on this matter, as this will prove to be relevant to the abovementioned thesis statement. My brother shot himself to death recently. He was married to his wife for 27 years and was the father of two boys. He was a quiet worker, albeit a bit quiet and not too comfortable in social functions. He decided to undergo therapy to cure his social disorder, and his sessions have largely been successful as was saw him become more relaxed, outgoing and openly affectionate. He then found out that his wife was having an affair, and the next day, he decided to end his life. Our family did not see it coming. We knew the revelation of his wife's affair had hurt him greatly, but we did not know that he was suicidal. We saw no indicators of that. InIndeed, the problem of suicides is a serious one. In the United States, more people die because of suicide each year than because of HIV or homicide. (SPRC Internet). That is why there have been many studies conducted about the "type" of person who is more susceptible to commit suicide. In the website of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, it was stated that at least 90% of those who kill themselves have a diagnosable treatable psychiatric illness, such as major depression, schizophrenia, or are suffering from alcohol or drug abuse, or have an antisocial personality. (AFSP Internet). Males are also three to five times more likely to commit suicide, and elderly Caucasian males have the highest suicide rates. (Ibid.) Hopelessness and pessimism are also an indicator of long-term suicidal risk. (Beck, et. al. 190). There are studies that have been conducted that state that family genetic history may be partially responsible for suicidal impulses of a human being. (Brent, at. al. 1) Of course, it is not difficult to conclude that a stormy family life - one riddled with conflicts and problems - can probably affect a person's coping mechanisms and make him more susceptible to suicide. These studies are good in the sense that they can provide a macro picture of trends and patterns, so that solution on a more general level may be reached. However, on a micro level, when one is dealing with an individual with a name and a face, foisting stastistics and data might not work. In order to more effectively prevent a suicide, the intervention must be one that operates on the premise that the individual is precisely that - an individual with with a unique personality, a unique emotion, and yes, a unique patchwork of problems that desperately cry for resolution. According to Edwin Schneidman, a clinical psychologist who is a leading authority on suicide, "Suicide is not a pointless or random act. To people who think about ending their own lives, suicide represents an answer

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Defentions and Financial Mesures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Defentions and Financial Mesures - Essay Example Focus on shareholder value started gaining prominence in the 1980s and by the start of 21st century had become a key element in corporate governance in the US, UK, and most of leading European nations like Germany, France and Sweden; so much so that the OECD, in their document released in 1999, emphasised that firms be run first and foremost in the interest of shareholders. They further reinforced this thought in their 2004 release of OECD principles of corporate governance (OECD 2004). As the fad of focus on shareholder value began spreading, the understanding of the concept seemed to have started to erode somewhat as many executives began to focus on quarterly earnings as a key driver of their stock prices. The concept of shareholder value does not, however, imply that companies should target a short-term â€Å"never-before† high stock price at any cost. A company targeting only short-term stock price gains is likely to suffer in the long-term as it would be subject to makin g decisions that may seem beneficial in the short-term but could likely produce a negative long-term effect. Instead, the concept of shareholder value means that if a company builds value, its stock price will trace it; the objective for a firm’s management is then â€Å"to build value and let the stock price reflect this value† (Mauboussin, 2011). And, the value creation of a company is reflected in its ability to secure and increase its long-term cash flow. It is thus essential to understand how to and, more importantly, how not to create shareholder value. Creating shareholder value is not just about getting the numbers right in the short-term but more about taking the right decisions that create sustainable long-term value for the firm. For example, in order to â€Å"increase the shareholder value†, a firm could cut its cost on pollution abatement and lead to environmental damage; such actions, however, are not sustainable in the long-term and when the time comes to take corrective measures in the long-term, the associated costs could be several times higher. Another very recent example is how banks and other lenders blindly lent money to create the housing bubble in the US. From short-term perspective, the sub-prime lending seemed extremely attractive for creating value and seeing the stock prices skyrocket but it was probably not the best decision from long-term cash flow perspective. Thus, from the long-term perspective and in retrospection, the overlooking of fundamentals of lending without considering the ability of people to repay and the short-term focus on numbers was probably not the best strategy for creating value. This ideology of focussing on short-term was even criticised by Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, and a chief proponent of the idea of â€Å"shareholder value†. In an article on Financial times, Welch called the short-term focus on share price as an indicator of shareholder value as â€Å"the dumbest idea† (Guerrera, 2009). He said that rather than setting share price as their objective, managers should focus on aligning their short-term profits with an increase in the long-term value. It is therefore important to understand that the principle of shareholder value is the right one only as long as it is understood properly and in the right sense; that is constantly focussing on the long-term and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Employment Discrimination- Legal research term project Paper

Employment Discrimination- Legal term project - Research Paper Example It is essential to understand the content of employment laws that prohibit discrimination because inadequately following these laws may cost a company vast resources as a result of litigation if that company is not careful to prevent discriminatory practices in its hiring and employment. Employment discrimination is discrimination in the process of hiring, promoting, assigning, terminating, or compensating employees, which includes any kind of harassment or on-the-job persecution.2 Most often, this kind of discrimination is defined in terms of an impact on members of a particular class or category of people, such as ethnicity, gender, or disability. Measuring discrimination relative to the effect on members of protected classes is necessary because without membership in particular classes of people, there would be no basis for people to discriminate or hold prejudices against others. Clearly, discrimination can either occur on an explicit or implicit level, which corresponds to the d ifference between intentional and unintentional discrimination. In the case of unintentional, or implicit, discrimination, there may be subconscious biases or prejudices that a hiring manager may have against people of a certain group (e.g. that physically handicapped people are below average in intelligence) can cause a disparate impact on that group, simply through the manager’s hiring decisions.3 This impact may extend past the hiring process and into the areas of wage discrimination and workplace retaliation for various reasons. There are Constitutional limits on employment discrimination such as the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, as well as a number of Federal laws. Although Constitutional dictates are universal, they apply only to employment in government and not in the private workplace. Among the most important pieces of Federal legislation against employment discrimination is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin regarding terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. This coincided with the granting of civil rights to minorities in the United States in other areas of public life not expressly dealing with employment. One year prior to the CRA, the Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 banned compensation for employees that differs based solely on sex and not on any other factor relative to the job. While it does not exclude other discriminatory practices in hiring, one of the EPA’s conditions is that workers who perform equal work in jobs requiring â€Å"equal skill, effort, and responsibility and performed under similar working conditions† should be provided equal pay.4 Although the pay differential between the sexes has not evened out completely since 1963, the law has been successful in paring much of the deficit. Employment

Friday, July 26, 2019

Motivation in organization, in the eyes of B.F. Skinner Essay

Motivation in organization, in the eyes of B.F. Skinner - Essay Example In operant conditioning, Skinner shows that punishment dealt in any form severely affects an organism in a very negative manner and therefore must not be practiced. Applying this concept to education, Skinner believes that punishing a student, especially very young ones can bring about adverse effects in their behaviour in the future. If applied to Organisational behaviour, a leader or organizer within the group must keep in mind that the administration of punishment may or may not have negative repercussions to the members of the group if it is not done properly. Although punishment is allotted in school and in the workplace, Skinner believes that this does not promote the mental well-being of students and workers. He also believes that there is no such thing as "motivation", stating that this is just a by-product of punishment and that individuals learn and function more efficiently if they are let to discover things by themselves assuming that they are provided with all the materi als they need. This work relates Skinners psychological concepts to organisational behaviour, how his concepts affect the group as a whole and the members within the group. Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born on March 20 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. He went to Hamilton College taking up a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature circa 1926. He tried to pursue a career in writing fiction after he graduated from college. He chose to settle in Greenwich Village, but was later frustrated with his works, thinking that he can never make it right because he feels that he lacks the experience and passion to write. He the chance upon the philosophical works of Bertland Russel which also discusses the behaviourist theories of psychologist John B. Watson who would later on inspire B.F. Skinner to study psychology. Skinner was so inspired with Watson and his work that he began to express much interest in the behaviour of people around him. His interest in psychology was also reflected in his fictional work, but he eventually decided to stop writing and study Psychology at Harvard. He received his doctorate degree in psychology at Harvard, working afterwar ds as a university researcher until 1936. He then went on to teach psychology at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis and in the University of Indiana, but found himself back at Harvard in 1948 as a professor of psychology. He was a rather decorated educator having received awards like the Medal of Science in 1968, presented to him by no less than President Lyndon B. Johnson. Himself. Three years past and he was awarded with the Gold Medal of the American Psychological Foundation and was given the Humanist of the Year Award of the American Humanist Association in 1972. Eight days before his death in 1990, he became the first recipient of the Citation for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology by the American Psychological Association (Wikipedi, 2006a; Wikipedia, 2006b). Being the author that he is, B.F. Skinner has published numerous books about psychology and fiction. Among these are: Walden Two in 1948, Science and Human Behaviour in 1953, Verbal Behaviour in 1957 a nd both Freedom and Dignity and About Behaviourism in 1971 (Tsicali, 2003). B, F. Skinner's

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Write a single page summarizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write a single page summarizing - Essay Example The company was happy with the product, which manifested great features as compared to Apple II. However, the happiness was cut short, two months after introduction. The project did not consider the available software, as only three existed. Evidently, no software was expected at the time for a period of six months hence making operations difficult. Apple III software was buggy and crashed even at little functions such as the save command. Certainly, this caused frustration among journalists interested in exploring the new device. The problems did not stop at the software, but the motherboard also got hot hence pushing chips out of their sockets. In response, Apple officials advised customers to drop their systems for reset. Nonetheless, the project came at a halt when IBM launched a more effective computer at lower prices ($1,565) than Apple. In this light, customers crossed over to IBM PC without giving apple even the alternative option hence the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mind of Great Companies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mind of Great Companies - Research Paper Example This is exactly what the present development of the organization has been about. Writing on â€Å"What is on the minds of great companies?† Blanchard (2007) noted that â€Å"many companies develop a corporate culture over time, but if it wasnt actively sculpted with the companys long term vision in mind, it may not reflect the companys ultimate mission† (p. 11). What this means is that the organization’s vision is very key to judging the company’s development rate. In this, it would be said that Marriott has developed positively because the company has been able to live within its goal and vision of making customer satisfaction a central focus of their service, where the turnover received in terms of customer patronage has confirmed such an expanded form of customer satisfaction. Due to the fact that customers generally patronage the services of a company of which they are pleased with their service, it can be said that the company’s stage of development is reflected in its vision and value statement because the customer has had a long standing vision of using customer satisfaction as a competitive advantage. Meanwhile, customer satisfaction is the product of high customer patronage and thus high revenue turnover for the

Ethical issues in packaging practices Research Paper - 3

Ethical issues in packaging practices - Research Paper Example issues and packaging, views regarding how a sample company and some authors regard how ethical a number of packaging issues in the contemporary sense are, and identify various areas that have the existence of ethical gaps in packaging. Packaging is the protecting, handling, and delivering or presenting a processed good or a raw material in items like boxes, crates, pallets, containers, bags, sacks, and plastic bottles. In case an item is intended for sale to consumers and is packaged, it is considered to be safe and healthy to the consumers. For instance, a brush of mascara that forms the closure of the container part is packaging also (Shimp, 2003). Marketers can make proper use of information for labeling to mislead consumers and exaggerate their product attributes. There are several cases in which they use pictures in packaging that do not show the real or actual product that they are selling to their customers. A number of marketers label their products as friendly to the environment even at times when they do not actually have attributes that are environmentally friend. There are various issues related to ethics of packaging that affect the manner in which products are relayed to the clients. They put labels that mislead the buyers of the products. For instance, information related to nutrition like cholesterol free, low fat, and 100% pure juice can be attributes on the label of a given product. Another case can be Johnson & Johnson’s Acuvue that labels its products for use every day and different labeling. The company sells similar products in different diversified labels. There are many issues that marketers use pictures for packaging that fail to represent the actual or the real product. The product label can make it look nice and attractive to customers while in the real sense the content does not reach the exaggerated appeal. When consumers open the well-labeled product, they do not find the expected product in the same. It addition, some brands

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stereotype Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stereotype - Research Paper Example Our society is plague with stereotypes, and even though we live in a world that is deemed civilized, prejudice will never be extinct. The turn of the nineteen century witnessed a new era for women. No longer were women contented to stay in the background, or fade in the shadows of their husbands. Having been in the air-force I have witnessed and heard how men view women in a mans world. They resent the fact that they will have to take orders from a woman superior. They have biases that have no foundation, other than the fact that they grow up hearing over and over the criteria that make women women. A woman should do what she does best―nurturing her husband and children. During my service in the air-force, one case in particular has a ineradicable imprint in my mind. My squadron had a woman drill sergeant; and my team-mates resented having to salute a woman or take orders from her. Many times they would pretend to forget and addressed her as â€Å"sir.† She was well aware of their hostility and that made her more militant than most male officer. Their reaction to her was predetermined, she knew it, and was determined to change their minds. Only the best she would accept, she had to prove herself, to show us that she can do a â€Å"mans job. She was dauntless, consequently, my team was first in all training exercise. My colleagues were using a hand-me-down stereotyping. They were perpetuating a myth, a myth that held its ground for many centuries, It was only in 1976, less than fifty years ago, that the first woman was allowed to register in the air-force. The logic that was displayed here is dogmatic. According to the book Introduction to Logic, â€Å"Dogmatism is the position taken by a person who asserts his or her belief as what should be the case: no room for disagreement is possible in this case, and if there is no room for disagreement, the possibility of argument also disappears. (please put the author(s) of the book, the publication

Monday, July 22, 2019

Internal, External Essay Example for Free

Internal, External Essay | Identify the key actors and forces in the company’s marketing environment that affect its ability to serve its target customers effectively.The marketing environment can be defined as everything that surrounds an organization’s environment and can affect its operation.The business environment consists of the actors and forces that affect an organization’s ability to develop and maintain business with its targeted customers. These are the Micro Environment, the Macro environment and the internal environment.The micro-environment of an organization can best be understood as comprising all those other organizations and individuals who directly or indirectly affect the activities of the organization. The following key groups can be identified as: their suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors and the public. * Neil Saab, PROCTER’s European head of laundry products development * Edward Arwell, PROCTER’s Chief Marketing Officer * scientists and over 60,000 consumers * Dutch press * PR Firm hired by PROCTER * Europe targeting consumers’ associations, washing machine manufacturers, retailers * and anybody else who would listen * Dutch consumers’ union * Six test institutesThe Macro environment is the non specific aspect in the company’s surrounding that have the potential impact on the organizations strategies. This environment comprises general trends and forces which may not immediately affect the relationships that a company has with its customers, suppliers and intermediaries, but sooner or later, macro-environmental change will alter the nature of these relationships. These are demographic forces, economic factors, natural, technological, political and socio cultural factors. * For ULTRA WASH, they had claimed a technological lead based on their formula and this was keeping them ahead * Environmental campaigners in Sweden were keen on the effects of the product * Freedom of speech allowed Procter to lobby openly against their competitorThe Internal Environment refers to those activities within the local influence which includes it marketing plans and strategies, how they are implemented and its research and development. Actors in the internal environment include: * David Fritz, ULTRA WASH’s global coordinator of detergent marketing * Top executives at ULTRA WASH Head Office in the UK * Other management and staff of ULTRA WASH Show how each of the actors/forces you have identified in question 1, directly (or indirectly) impacted on ULTRA WASH’s final decision to revamp and relaunch the defective Eno/Ersil Power.For ULTRA WASH, the SWOT analysis summarizes the main environmental issues in the form of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.Strengths of ULTRA WASH: * Power branded in Netherlands, UK and France * Biggest advance fabric detergent over 20 years * They had the technological lead Weaknesses of ULTRA WASH: * Did not act on private warning from Procter before they went public * Did not effectively counter Procter’s negative campaign against their product * Ultra Wash image damaged and undermined as they were slow to act Opportunities of ULTRA WASH: * To launch Power in 11 other countries Threats of ULTRA WASH: * Flaw discovered in technology by rival competitor * The need to withdraw their once successful product from the market * Leading supermarket emptying shelves of the product * Various tests confirmed damaging effects of their products With all the negative publicity that ULTRA WASH had received from Procter, various media agencies as well as tests that proved the product was in fact damaging, it was in ULTRA WASH’s best interest to revamp and re-launch their product.The Impact of the Actors in the Micro EnvironmentThe lobbying and negative campaigning done by Procter’s executives sensitized the public on the damaging effects of ULTRA WASH’s product therefore reducing the demand in the market.Various Scientists confirmed that the product was faulty also confirming to the public that this product was not ide al for their laundry.The Press and PR Firm hired by Proctor hammered bad publicity that contributed to the decline in sales of this product. As the Customers are the most important to consider, a re launch was necessary to correct the past manufacturing errors and reclaim their loyalty. It was also important to create a new image in the minds of the target market by changing their perception. The Impact of the Actors in the Macro Environment * Legal: ULTRA WASH also had on going legal battle with PROCTOR, it was important to end that chapter and show some differentiation in their rebranded product. * Technological: Advances in Technology would create opportunity for ULTRA WASH to develop a new detergent with the correct product mix that would meet environmental specifications. * Social and Cultural: PROCTOR was able to freely express their opinions and change the perception of the general product thereby reducing the market share of ULTRA WASH. The Impact of the Actors in the Internal EnvironmentThe entire series of events proved that  the Executives and marketing personnel at ULTRA WASH were not fully equipped to handle all the negative publicity and did not act expeditiously to recover from this problem. Top Executives should have heeded the secret warnings of PROCTOR and test their product privately to prevent an international outburst. The strategies were not enough to protect their product. Internal branding was important as ULTRA WASH needed to re create a core product with distinctive values that distinguishes it from its competition. ULTRA WASH needed to highlight the true benefits to be from using their product. Brand strategies must be communicated to staff so that they understand the company character on which the company brand is built. Investment in staff training is required to achieve the service levels required for the brand strategy.In order to be successful and to reclaim their market share, ULTRA WASH would need to revisit their team strategies, review their research and development strategies and improve on their technological advances.| Question #1 A company’s marketing environment refers to factors outside of marketing, which has either a direct or indirect affect on the company’s ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target market. (Various Environmental factors Affecting Marketing Function, 2012) An understanding of a company’s marketing environment is instrumental in the development of its SWOT analysis as the marketing department would be able to identify the strengths, weakness, threats and opportunities. The marketing environment can be divided into three sub- categories which are internal environment, micro- environment and macro- environment. (Various Environmental factors Affecting Marketing Function, 2012) Ultra Wash Power detergent was affected by factors and actors from these three marketing environment which hindered the company from serving its target market. The internal marketing environment of a company refers to factors and actors that are part of the company, which the company has control over. These factors have an influence on the operations of the organization and a high level of control is placed over this environment, as the organization can change it strategies to ensure that these factors support marketing. (The marketing environment, n.d.) (Various Environmental factors Affecting  Marketing Function, 2012) Ultra Wash was affect by the following in its effort to serve its target market: Research and Development: this is the creation of products, improvements to existing products or the production process through a combination of basic and applied research. The aim of research and development is to position the company as a market leader through competitive advantage. (Research and Development , n.d.) Company’s Imagine- refers to what consumers think about your business when they hear the name of the product or business. (Image , n.d.) Top Management: this refers to marketing decisions taken by members of the Board of Directors, shareholders and executives. Micro- environment refers to factors and actors that are closely linked to the organization and their decisions and operations directly affect the company’s ability to serve its customers. (The marketing environment, n.d.) Ultra Wash was affected by the following three factors in this environment: Consumer Behavior- this is how consumers select, purchase and use goods and services to satisfy their wants and needs. (Consumer Buying Behavior) Market intermediaries: these are third party persons or organizations between the final customer and manufacturer and given the responsibility of promoting, selling and distributing of the goods and services. (Various Environmental factors Affecting Marketing Function, 2012) Competitors: firms which sell same or similar goods and services in the same market. (Various Environmental factors Affecting Marketing Function, 2012) Marco – Environment are factors which are uncontrollable external to the company. Although these factors directly influence the company marketing decisions, they do not directly affect the company’s ability to serve its customers. (The marketing environment,n.d.) This environment is analyzed through the STEEPLE analysis. The seven areas of focus in the STEEPLE analysis are political, economic, social, technological, environmental, legal and ethical. (Williams, 2013) Of which, technological, environmental, and ethical affected the ability for Ultra Wash to serve its target customers. (The marketing environment, n.d.) Question#2 Internal Environment: Research and development directly affected the ability of Ultra Wash  to serve its target market as the company did not undertake sufficient research when developing the product. This was evident when they were faced with the facts about how the enzyme â€Å"dirt buster† affects clothing. Also they did not take heed to the warning made by PROCTER, had the company research the information made by their competitors it could have saved them thousands of dollars in damage control and advertising. Company’s Imagine- With the information about the effects of their detergent being published in the media, the company’s image began to plummet in the eyes of consumers. The company had to take steps to try to rebuild the company’s imagine by offering a new revamped detergent gave them a chance to do this. Top Management- David Fritz the global coordinator of detergent marketing and the Ultra Wash executives decided to ignore the warnings about the product made by Edward Artwell with the belief that recalling the product would be costly and humiliating to the company and for David Fritz his career. Micro- Environment: Consumer Behavior- Ultra Wash revenues for the Power detergent was reducing radically due to the information on the detergent which PROCTER released and their campaign against detergent with â€Å"dirt buster†. In order for any company to be able to remain competitive they must be able to attain profits and with the constant decline in Ultra Wash revenues and profit, the company had to make changes to the product to realize an increase the sales and revenues when advertising and promotions did not work. Market intermediaries- Many supermarket chains considered removing the products from their shelves after being informed by PROCTER about the harmful effects of the Power detergent. In order to maintain relationships with these market intermediaries, who in turn wants to ensure that they are able to maintain good relationship with their customers, Ultra Wash needed to make sure that the standard of the product was improved. This would satisfy customer wants as well as allow Ultra Wash to maintain good relationships the market intermediaries. Competitors- The actions of the competitors PROCTOR played the biggest part of the decision to revamp and re-launch the defective Power  detergent. PROCTOR tried to assist the Ultra Wash Company by providing them with research concerning the effects of â€Å"dirt buster†; however the company did not listen and proceeded to mass launch the product. As a result of the launch PROCTER released a statement providing the public with the effects of the detergent. Although Ultra Wash made their own releases refuting those claims, increasing advertisement and promotions they were not able to convince consumers otherwise and realized deduced sales. PROCTOR continued to provide the public, including consumers, retailers and consumers’ associations with information on this product until Ultra Wash finally decided to remove the product from all markets. Marco- Environment Technological- Ultra Wash believe that this new technology would be able to provide them with competitive advantage of being more advanced that they rest of the market. However, in the hurry to become the market leader the technology was not properly research and developed causing the company to experience major losses. Environmental- Many environmental lobbyist in European and Sweden released public statements about the effects the Power detergent and its affects on clothes. These statements can persuade consumer behavior against a certain product as in this case. Ethical- Consumer groups such as the Dutch consumer’s union confirmed the damaging effects of the upgraded Power detergent. Ultra Wash needed to ensure that the product standard are to the level the consumers expect as statement against a product will persuade the consumers decisions against the product. All these factors played a major part in the decision taken by Ultra Wash to revamp and re-launch the defective Power Detergent as Ersil tablets. These tablets were able to provide them with the competitive advantage as well as become the market leader for this product. References: Various Environmental factors Affecting Marketing Function. (2012, July 19). Retrieved June 10, 2013, from ebstudies: Consumer Buying Behavior. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2013, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Colgate pursues low cost strategy

Colgate pursues low cost strategy CP has a large and efficient distribution network. Its distribution channels are located all over Pakistan (Moore, E.R) It caters to a broad customer base. It has developed itself in almost all the categories which are associated with customers on the daily basis. Colgate pursues low cost strategy. Its plant is automated. Only one plant is used for the manufacturing of three different detergents like bonus, express, brite The whole process is repeated for each of the detergent. By automating the plant, CP is able to save a lot of cost. CP value delivery network does not have any delays in it which helps CP to save cost. CP targets all segment, it has products for the lower class, middle class and the upper class. Its pricing is done accordingly. It has cost leadership in the detergent and the surface care category CP forecasting is very accurate which helps them to reduce cost because if estimated are accurate then it helps the company to avail cost advantages CP is allowed to deviate only 5% from its forecast both upwards and downwards CP has concentrated more on process efficiencies CP has access to large capital that is required to make significant investment. CP never compromises on the development expenditure. It is always ready to improve its production processes. Being a low cost producer it helps CP to better compete to its rivals. Being the low cost producer it has helped CP to insulate themselves from powerful suppliers who nowadays demand increasing prices due to rising inflation. Being he low cost producer, it has also helped to attract powerful buyers whom CP sells directly like MAKRO, DMART, IMITAZ, AGHAS, and NAHEED etc (Moore, E.R). Economic Factor The overall economy of the country is showing a stable growth. Therefore this industry is also showing a growth of 10%. But the inflation is growing rapidly which is not a good sign for the new entrants. Change in the interest rate also affects the industry. Hence the new entrants are also threatened by the increasing interest rates. Economic factors do influence the bargaining power of buyers as inflation is the major factor that is affecting the consumers hard. Economic factors do not affect the availability of substitutes. But since inflation is growing, so it is hard for the poor people to switch to more modern products like washing powder, tooth paste. They would rather prefer oil to clean their clothes and use miswak to brush their teeth. Economic factors do have an affect on the bargaining power of suppliers as inflation is rising fast. Suppliers demand that they would provide the necessary raw material at a higher price. Exchange rate fluctuations also affect the cost of raw material. Economic factors do affect the rivalry among the competitors as all the players in the industry want to have cost leadership. The economic factors are favoring intense competition from the last five years. People have more money at their disposal. Also Pakistan is a consumption oriented society (Hiatt, Jeff.). Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) STRATEGY 1 STRATEGY 2 Weights AS TAS AS TAS STRENGTHS Market leader in surface care with 90% market share 0.15 Good Leadership 0.06 Employee commitment 0.12 3 0.36 2 0.24 Cooling crystal patent 0.1 Accurate forecast with respect to demand 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14 High EPS 0.08 3 0.24 2 0.16 Strong advertisement and promotional campaign 0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24 WEAKNESSES IT not used optimally 0.13 4 0.52 2 0.26 No ecommerce 0.1 3 0.3 2 0.26 No proper use of forward integration 0.05 2 0.1 3 0.15 They are not exporting their products to other countries 0.06 1 OPPORTUNITIES Exploring into new categories like shampoo, hand wash , body wash, shower gel 0.14 2 0.28 4 0.56 Rural population switching from miswak to toothpaste 0.06 Gap in tooth brush market 0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24 Implementation of ERP(SAP) 0.14 4 0.56 2 0.28 People becoming hygiene and beauty conscious 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 No layoffs 0.07 THREATS(T) Raw material and energy prices are increasing 0.12 3 0.36 2 0.24 Inflation in the country 0.07 3 0.21 2 0.14 Competitors re launching their products 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 Competitors increasing their marketing budgets 0.06 2 0.12 3 0.18 Unstable law and order conditions. 0.06 1 TOTAL 4.05 3.69 Rivalry among existing competitors Yes (+) No (-) The industry is growing rapidly. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The industry is not cyclical with intermittent overcapacity. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The fixed costs of the business are relatively low portion of total costs. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ There are significant product differences and brand identities between the competitors. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ The competitors are diversified rather than specialized. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no specialized skills and facilities or long-term contract commitments etc. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My customers would incur significant costs in switching to a competitor. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My product is complex and requires a detailed understanding on the part of my customer. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ My competitors are all of approximately the same size as I am. à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ 7 LOW MEDIUM HIGH INTERPRETATION: Threat of competitors is high because the product is not unique as there are no product differences. Same products are available with all competitors like Unilever, Procter and Gamble, Shield, Oral B. Therefore rivalry is also increasing as demand in the economy has also increased for the last 5 to years. Majority of the competitors are MNCs which means that they have the necessary resource and skill (Hiatt, Jeff). Government Factors: Government regulations do have an affect on the rivalry among the competitors. Political factors: Political factors do not affect the rivalry among the competitors Economic factors Economic factors do affect the rivalry among the competitors as all the players in the industry want to have cost leadership. The economic factors are favoring intense competition from the last five years. People have more money at their disposal. Also Pakistan is a consumption oriented society (Hiatt, Jeff). Social trends Social trends have changed, buyer are more aware of their purchases. So the players in the industry are always trying hard to increase their market share (Hiatt, Jeff). Technological change Technology is helping the companies to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. Also research and development plays an important role in this (Hiatt, Jeff). KEY SUCCESS ACTORS FOR COMPETIVE SUCCESS Low cost production efficiency. CP has plants installed that take only 30 minutes for the plant to shift from the production of one product to the other. High quality manufacturing of products with very few defects. A strong network of wholesale distributors. Gaining ample space on retailer shelves. (Examples Naheed, Aghas, Makro and other small shops.) Attractive packaging and styling. Good length of product lines. Attractive commercials and advertising. Good reputation in the industry along with favorable reputation with buyers. Market penetration Colgate can do market penetration by increasing its advertising, people always associate Colgate with tooth paste and have no awareness that it produces personal and surface care products as well. They should show their logo on all its products so that people know the producers and this will increase customer loyalty and also when people will come to know that Colgate is the producer then new customers will also buy the product (Hiatt, Jeff). They should also increase their promotion efforts by going to school and doing health awareness programs, also they should go to residential areas and make women aware of their surface care and fabric care products such as max, bonus and express etc Product development: Colgate can also do product development by introducing new features in their already existing brands. They can improve their tooth brush quality and features by introducing flexi tooth brushes for special oral care. Also they can introduce whitening features in their feature in their tooth paste; different colors of tooth paste can also be introduced to attract the kinds market. In their fabric care they can introduce in special features of protecting the color of the cloth while washing and also whitening enhancing surfs to give a good shine to while clothes (Hiatt, Jeff). develop systems to involve appropriate stakeholders in the introduction of change SIX THINGS REQUIRED TO EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENTING A STRATEGY According to Porter, to implement a strategy effectively six things should be followed: Create a formal plan: Distributor Quantity Item Price Negotiation, Inventory Reporting, Stock Details, Payment Terms HR Module Inventory / Store Sales Module Sales Module Stock Details Quantity item Price negotiation, inventory reporting, ex stock details, payment terms Finance Module Credit terms, payment procedures, Stock in out effect Inflow outflow of raw materials Procurement Module Create a multifunctional team: To effectively implement ERP, Colgate must first hire an independent resource firm. Acquire licensing for SAP Implementation. Establish an independent IT unit for the monitoring of ERP. This department will coordinate with all the other departments (Robbins S, Mukerji). Communication of strategy: inside and outside: All employees in the company should be made aware of the new automated system. Each employee must be provided a minimal insight of SAP but those employees who have to work on SAP the most should ofcourse be provided with proper training course of SAP. These include: Factory Manager Manager accounts Warehouse Manager Distribution team Consumer insight department Outside the company the strategy to implement ERP should be communicated properly to all the local and foreign suppliers of Colgate Palmolive (Hagberg). Consistency over time: As Information Technology is progressing day by day, new changes in ERP are expected after certain time periods. Therefore it would become very important for Colgate to cope up with the changes in the software. For this purpose it would need to update it employees by providing training whenever any change takes place in SAP (Hagberg). Use proper measurements: Other measures, not just financial measures would be required to test whether the system is working properly. These measures include: Whether the system is accurately forecasting demand, sales, price changes Whether or not there are any deviations in the actual versus projected sales Effectiveness of the internal processes after the strategy implementation (Robbins S, Mukerji). Test the strategy: Ask employees and senior management in all departments whether they are satisfied with the new system of working. Talk to suppliers and distributors whether they want any more improvements in the new system of working (Hagberg). EIGHT PILLARS OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Allocating resources: Colgate has to invest around 50mn for which they have to make a separate IT department in which 1 trained personnel have to be hired so that it can be implemented in an efficient way. building capable organizaion: After the implementation of SAP, a capable organization would be established. It would help the company to coordinate all activities. CP can then expand into new markets and would develop innovative products. Exercising strategic leadership: SAP implementation will require an annual strategic audit to check whether the desired objectives have been achieved or not. This means a visionary leadership is required. Leadership should be exercised strategically in such a way that it helps the company to maintain its competitive advantage. Tying rewards: Rewards in maintaining the best MIS, highest no of transactions, successful employee in training face should be given in terms of recognition, increased in salary and gift vouchers. Installing support system: It is important to maintain MIS with in different department so they can work in a best possible way Benchmarking: In Pakistan very few organizations has implemented SAP. PSO and National Foods are some of them. Since PSO has very successfully implemented SAP so Colgate benchmarks them. Strategic supportive policies: They have to make strategies in which maintaining an MIS should be mandatory. There should be digital culture. They should have a centralize data base through which all department are interlinked and any transaction can be tracked down by any department. Every department should have access to only relevant information. Shaping corporate culture: Colgate should implement paperless. Digital culture where the records must be maintained through MIS and not manually .even communication should be done electronically. KEY DRIVING FORCES Industry growth: Now most of the people have knowledge about the different products and its advantages. The intense competition in industry and high demand enables the new entrants to compete in this market (Hagberg). Product innovation: Innovation in product, as Colgate has just introduced Max fresh in which the coolant crystals are present which none of the competitors has adopted yet. There is also room in innovation in washing detergents (Hagberg). Changing societal concerns, attitudes and lifestyle: Since social issues are really effecting the use of product just like the use of Miswak which is the Islamic mode of cleaning the teeth (Hagberg). Use of E-commerce and Internet: Usage of online ordering and maintaining the stock level through e-commerce can be driving force in the industry. By using that they can provide products to customer which is value addition for them (Hagberg). This report is purely based on the finding from the Colgate expert and the secondary data analysis, and the reason for writing the whole report is to find the obstacle / hindrance a business men face and how the organization can minimize it through implementing the different strategies and analysis. The whole report research draws attention to  the fact that any problem can be eliminate if proper investigation and consideration can be observed the success is easy to get, Pakistan market is mature market and the competition is tough here because most of the customer is price conscious and act like butterflies, so targeting this kind of customer is quite difficult, but on the other hand it can be managed if the you can understand the market effectively and efficiently (Robbins S, Mukerji). Hiatt, Jeff. The definition and history of change management. Filicetti, John (August 20, 2007). Project Management Dictionary Moore, E.R., (accessed 1 April, 2001), Creating Organizational Cultures: An Ethnographic Study, Eastern Academy of Management Virtual Proceedings, Moore, E.R., (accessed 1 April, 2001), Creating Organizational Cultures: An Ethnographic Study, Eastern Academy of Management Virtual Proceedings, , R. Ph.D. Heifetz, D.Ph., 2000 (accessed 4 April, 2001), Corporate Hagberg Culture/Organisational Culture: UnderJerryding and Assessment, Robbins S, Mukerji D (1994). Managing organisations. Prentice Hall of Australia, McPhersons Printing Group, Australia. Sergiovanni, T.J. (1984) Educational Leadership, Leadership and excellence in schooling, Volume 41, Number 5, United States of America, page 4-13 Kent State University 2000 (accessed 28th March, 2001), Kent State University Cultural Self-Study Internal Communication of Change By Dagmar Recklies Circling the Pyramid Building Lasting Commitment to Change  Ã‚   (pdf-file) by Edmond Mellina What Makes a Good Change Agent? by Dagmar Recklies The Role of the Change Master From Change Agent to Change Master By Ruth Tearle Managing Change Definition and Phases in Change Processes by Oliver Recklies Problems in Managing Change by Oliver Recklies provides a downloadable PDF of change management best practices. Fred Nickols wrote Change Management 101: A Primer. provides resources on handling change management following a CRM upgrade. Neglecting your change control process can kill an IT disaster recovery plan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The emergence of sociology

The emergence of sociology What social forces were at work that led to the emergence of sociology in the late 18th and early 19th Century? Sociology can be defined as the study of societies and their development in terms of their political decisions, ethics, economic development, religion and laws. It consists of the organization of collections of human bodies into forms of social life. The end of the 18th century was marked by the French Revolution, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution initiated in England. The purpose of this essay is to discuss these social forces in terms of their contribution towards the emergence of sociology. The three major factors which influence the emergence of sociology as a sphere of study began in the late eighteenth century with the French Revolution, the period known as the Enlightenment and the industrial revolution. Each one of these influences has contributed to what Karl Polanyi , the Austro-Hungarian philosopher termed the Great Transformation in his book of the same name, one of the results of this great transformation resulted in the emergence of the science of sociology. History began to change in 1789 when the French Revolution broke out followed by the Enlightenment the creation of a new framework of ideas about man, society and nature. In addition, further economic and social changes were brought forward with the industrial revolution firstly in England and then in the whole of Europe. The French revolution had lasted for ten whole years and was the first modern and ideological revolution of its kind. It had a great impact on society because it changed its structure. It managed to eliminate the social distinctions between people and the feudal society.The power shifted away from the Church and came to hands of the people. This was the first time people were seen as citizens. In addition to this, the clerical hierarchy which had existed until then gave up its rights and property. These changes had a historical, political and social impact in the entire of Europe and not just France.Plato and Aristotle had become exterminally manifest in the social and historical world as a consequence of the revolution in France. Additionally, the French Revolution brought significant changes to the family since it was followed by the Declaration of Human Rights which stated that all humans are born free and equal. Changes to family-related issues were also brought into force. At the same time the Church lost much of its tremendous influence and power, which devolved to the people. The clerical hierarchy that had existed until then gave up its rights and property. Civil marriage and divorce were established. Civil marriage was another way for people to project their doubts upon the Church. A couple blessed by God could now follow different paths in their lives with the divorce being established and accepted. Education and religion were also subject to changes.. The second major event, that took place during the late 18th and early 19th century, was Industrialisation. The Industrial Revolution began in England in 18th century (1870) and brought several changes in societies, shaping them in the form they are today. It was the major shift of technological, socioeconomic and cultural conditions in the late 18th and early 19th century that began in Britain and spread throughout the world (Wikipedia, Internet encyclopaedia). At the end of the 18th century the world was experiencing a rapid population growth which led to an economic boom. As the demand was increasing, more workers were needed to cover the increasing demand. Production of goods increased. This was a different type of work before Industrialisation people were working in a traditional forms. Technology brought significant changes in the work place which led to great improvement and efficiency. Machines were now helping people in production and thereby improving time efficiency and production volume as well as the conditions under which people worked. Technological changes included the use of iron and steel, new energy sources. These changes in technology improved both the quality of the products being produced as well as the work-conditions of the workers in production. Fewer efforts were now required by the workers in terms of producing a good. Technology also improved transportation and hence trade and commerce between countries. Markets expanded even more since goods and raw materials that were scarce in one country could be supplied from another. Machines became the symbols of the new society and humanity could be seen to be all working into this machine. In addition, the area of communication also saw great improvement during this time period and people could now travel easier and reach their destination quicker. In the past, the only method people could communicate between them was through letters. This way of communication however, was both time consuming and uncertain since the letters were often lost somewhere in between. Fortunately, during the late 18th and early 19th century letters could be delivered faster and new ways of communication were developed such as the telegraph. These improvements also brought people and societies closer to one another. People moved to the cities were the markets began to emerge. The Enlightenment was a significant contributing factor to the emergence of sociology in the late 18th and early 19th century. The Enlightenment is considered to be the source of critical ideas, such as the centrality freedom, democracy, and reason as primary values of society. It is the creation of a new framework of ideas about man, society and nature, which challenged existing conceptions rooted in a traditional world-view, dominated by Christianity (Hamilton,23). The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement consisting of many philosophers. The most popular figures of this new framework were Charles Montesquieu (1689-1755), Jacques Tugot (1729-1781) and Jean Condorcet (1743-1794). They managed to challenge the traditional and existing conceptions of the world. The thinkers of Enlightenment aimed to teach people stop listening and following blindly the churchs opinion and decisions, and start thinking on their own. Challenge what they hear and develop their critical judgment. People were now advised to try and solve their problems on their own rather than wait for God to provide a solution for them. This new way of thinking was a big factor in economic growth. The iincreased education, through the emergence of upper class philosophers, the publishing of newspapers and the emergence of new types of media resulted in the arts, such a writing and painting to only develop, improve and flourish during that time period. Reaching to a conclusion, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolutionand the Enlightenment were the three major factors that contributed towards the emergence of sociology in the late 18th and early 19th century. During this historical period,peoples lives became much easier and better. All these changes helped people become more open minded and created for them a life with more choices. , This important turning point in history led to a technological and economic boom. It also resulted in people learning to live in societies. A person who cannot live in society, or does not need to because he is self-sufficient, is either a beast or a God. (Aristotle, Politics) Bibliography Lecture and Tutorial notes Wikipedia-online encyclopedia Internet the rise of sociology Morrison, K. 2006. Marx Durkheim Weber. Bilton, T. Bonnet, K. Jones, P. Lawson, T. Skinner, D. Stanworth, M. Webster, A. 2002. Introductory sociology, 4th edition. Palgrave Macmillan

The lost battle :: essays research papers

The Alamo   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  General Sam Houston is in charge of the Alamo but he needs time to get a army ready to fight Santa Anna. Houston trusts Jim Bowie and Travis but now Bowie is drunk so he leaves Travis in charge of the Alamo. Then Houston leaves with his army to get it ready to fight. Bowie wakes up from being drunk and they raise the flag. Bowie doesn’t think they can beat Santa Anna and his 7,000 troops. Travis gets word that Santa Anna and his men just crossed a river that is way closer than he had thought. Travis does not tell his troops because they have no hope. Davy Crockett arrives at the Alamo with his men and they dance and drink. Travis does not drink and he wants to give a speech to all of the men about how Texas has no rights. Crockett makes Emil pay a little boy a tip for caring a woman’s bags. Crockett wants her to leave if she wants. Emil and his men try to attack Crockett in the street and Crockett and Bowie beat them up and then they go and have a dr ink. The women told Crockett that there was gun powder in a church and then Crockett and Bowie and some of their men that were sober went to get it and they bring it back to the Alamo they find about 50 rifles and gunpowder. Crockett has Flaca write a letter in Spanish to himself. Travis asks Crockett to ask his men if they will fight and he asks them and they will stay and fight. Crockett has Flaca read the letter in front of everyone and says its from Santa Anna but then after they talk about it he tells them it was from him and that he wrote it. Crockett make Flaca leave to safety. The Mexicans come and tell them to leave but Travis wants to have a war. The Mexicans have a huge cannon so at night Crockett and Bowie sneak out with their men and blow it up by putting mud down the cannon. They are running back and the Mexicans are shooting at them but they all make it back ok. Travis says that they cant do that again. Bowie says he’s going to leave in the morning with his men but Crockett gets him drunk and then he changes his mind and says he’s going to stay and fight in the war.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Was the Irish Civil War a ?natural? conclusion to the events of previou

Was the Irish Civil War a ‘natural’ conclusion to the events of previous years?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some historians will say that the Civil War was a ‘natural’ conclusion to the activities of the previous year others will disagree. This essay will take the line that yes; the civil war was a natural and inevitable conclusion to the Anglo-Irish difficulties. In order to understand why the Civil War came about one must first understand how it came about by studying the actions of the previous years, the War of Independence and the Anglo-Irish Treaty. Then it is necessary to look at the feelings of the opposing sides of the Civil War. Finally one must look at history itself and compare the Irish War of Independence and the Civil War with similar cases. Once all steps have been taken the ultimate aim of this essay is to prove that the Civil War was a ‘natural’ conclusion to the previous years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The War of Independence (WOI) was fought between the years 1918 and 1921 and ‘was mainly limited to Dublin and the province of Munster, and the IRA victories were few and far between’ . Ireland had forgotten about its aspirations for Home Rule and was now looking for a more drastic form of Independence. The war had its origins in the formation of unilaterally created independent Irish parliament, called Dà ¡il Éireann, formed by the majority of MPs elected in Irish constituencies in the Irish (UK) general election, 1918. This parliament, known as the First Dà ¡il, and its ministry, called the Aireacht declared Irish independence. The Dà ¡il knew that ‘England’s difficulty (was) Ireland’s opportunity’ and ceized the day. After the failed rebelion of 1916 public sympathies slowly but surely swung to the millitant IRA (and Sinn Fein).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By 1921 the WOI was a cause of British anxiety and embarressment an d something had to be done. Once the Ulster province had been calmed by the Government of Ireland Act in 1920, the Lloyd George turned to its Nationalist neighbour. A Sinn Fein delegation, including Michael Collins and Arthur Grifith was sent to Westminster to negotiate the Anglo-Irish Treaty. It is important to note that President DeValera was not present. It is very possible that he knew there would have to be some comprimise made and he didn’t want to make it. After heated discusions and debates the delegation w... ...jority of cases where there is Revolution there is Civil War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As we see with history, it was almost inevitable that Ireland would experience civil war once she achieved ‘independence’. However, it was not just the history of other countries which dictated this, but also her own. When one person dies they leave behind a hundred mourners. As we can see by the strong words of Mary MacSweeny many of the families of Irish ‘martyrs’ wanted to see their deaths avenged. This was a strong force behind the Civil War and saw it as a ‘natural’ conclusion to previous years. There were also many rifts within the IRA prior to the Treaty and once they had no common enemy they were prone to fight themselves. With all this evidence pointing to the Civil War’s ‘natural’ occurrence it is hard to see how it could not have happened.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bibliography Litton, Helen, The Irish Civil War: An Illustrated History, (Dublin, 1995). Purdon, Edward, The Civil War1922-1023, (Cork, 200). Townshend, Charles, Ireland: The 20th Century, (London, 1998) WEB:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Study skills for distance learner

This type of education has gained its growing popularity with the developing of Internet, even paving in the different parts of the world, students can simply interact with their teachers and exchange materials over the net. Distance learning has a lot of advantages that make It really a strong and potential competitor against a traditional education. For example, by attending a distance learning course, learners can study at their own place, with their own time and flexible schedules combine different actively simultaneously. It Is also useful for people over 25 who mostly have a full time Job and can study after It.Also It Is a great financial advantage as during stance learning, travel expenses and educational fees are significantly lower. Distance learning is defined as a form of education in which learners and instructors are separated during the majority of the instruction; furthermore, learners have the opportunity to learn whenever a computer is accessible to them Monsoons, 2 003; Andre, 2005, Anderson, 2008). Within this new technology era, nothing is possible anymore. Prosthetic (2010) agreed and added that increasing web-based technologies have significantly influenced the dynamics of teaching and learning.The online aroma has lead distance learners and their Instructors Into new possibilities for interaction and Information access Monsoons, 2003; Prosthetic 2010). In many circumstances, respond to distance learning and education programs have been positive, although more research is needed. There are many different techniques that are used in the distance learning. The most popular and efficient are e-mails, forums, faxes, print materials, video recordings, internet radio, telephone, live streaming and many more.Thanks to all these technologies, distance learners can receive the same learning source such as terrestrial, worksheets and writing assignments same as full time students on campus. Definition of study skills Study skills can be defines as a combination skills of ability knowledge and experience that enables a person to do something well (http:. ‘/ skill is vital for distance leaner in order to help them to cope with their studies. Research shows that learning skills influence academic achievement whereby they enhance increasing in academic skills and performance.The significance of learning skills is also shown in the many instruments that have evolved. There are several hypes of study skills. Students will need to improve deferent skills at different times in their career. They will also wish to use different methods according to their particular need and learning style time. What then are the study skills that students need to improve, apart from those taught inside the program? They can be divided into four stages: time management, note taking, information seeking and communication skills.Distance learning program tend to have a looser structure and many students are studying alongside a Job or personal commi tments. Working out hen you can study and how to make best use of precious study time is essential if the student is going to succeed. Good organizational skills are also essential to deal with course materials and administrative matters. Knowing how to get advice, are skills worth developing, including when and from whom, as distance learners often have to be their own advocates and need to develop the resourcefulness to do this.Time management Time Management skills are crucial for successful people. These are the useful techniques that have helped the leading people in sport, business and public service each the high points of their careers. Time management is the way you regulate or schedule your time. Learning good time management techniques can motivate you to accomplish your goals. (Rite O' Donahue, Mill, M. A. (Deed) 2005-2006) National University of Ireland, Galway) by keeping Journal activity for several times helps you to know when you perform at your best and understand how you spend your time.Don't change your daily routine, note down everything that you always do. Every time you change activities, whether working, making coffee, opening mail, talking with colleagues or whatever, note down any changes. Same goes with recording activities, note your feeling, whether, flat, tired, alert, energetic, etc. Do this regularly throughout the day. Time management has been described using many terms including balance, spontaneous, flexibility, and having control over time (Laurie – Ann M. Hellenizes (2012) What do we know about time management; Lankier 1973).Many people experience time management problems and suffer from time pressure and an increasingly fast pace of life (Hawkins & Klaus, 1997; Major, Klein, & Rather, 2002; McCullough, 1984; Attachment, Dotterels, & Parker, 1996; Heisenberg, Bergsten, Cote, Craver, & Heath, 1982). There are several skills in time management, such as planning, proportioning, organizing, and list making and perseverin g. By having a good time management its helps us to become more productive, stress free and you will be able to create your own free time when you are needed.As a distance learner, time management skills are vital in order for you to cope with your studies. Management effectives in increasing your learning skills. However, individuals who participated in a time management program did perceive more control over their mime after the program. Perceived control over time was related to positive outcomes. Individuals who perceived having more control over their time reported fewer Job induced tensions, fewer stresses, and greater Job satisfaction than individuals who did not perceive themselves as having control over their time.Note making and note taking Note making and note taking is one of the important study skills for distance learners. What to note down and how detailed the notes should be, takes time to develop. It is difficult therefore you need to develop you self with basic ski lls of note asking and note taking. The ability to take good notes will help you save time and focus on your studies. The difference between note taking and note making is, notes taking is happen when you listen to e-tutorial lecturer, seminar or writing down what other people say by taking important notes from it.In dissimilarity, note making involves a process of personal understanding. You will remember the entire note that you making by your own because you are learning and understand the topic. This may take several time to complete. Yet, it is much more efficient and effective in arms of learning than trying to sort out lecture notes and read text books in great haste before an important test or exam. Note taking its difficult than making note. Some of the approaches from reading note-taking also been apply to listening note- taking.This is because you cannot control the flow of a speech, you cannot expect the tutor to repeat the entire tutorial. You need to prepare yourself b efore coming to the class, such as do a pre revision or pre read of the topic so that you can easily understand during the lecture. Note making will reinforce your understanding of hat you have read for the course. As such, you are urged to use these skills effectively to prepare yourself for the tutorial class. J Song, M. (2012) agreed that note taking and note making effectives in enhance personal skills especially in learning skills.Information seeking skills As a distance learning student, one of the crucial challenges for us to success in our studies is our information seeking skills. This is because in the current era we are living now, the way people post, store and even seek information make it easier for us to access faster and easier for all sorts of information. Students need to have knowledge on seeking the correct and proper information that related to their studies. On top of that, it is important for students to have a good decision making skills and critical thinking to be successful in the learning process.First of all, students need to identify the various sources available for the information. One of the sources which are superior in quality of results which is from the OPAC or Online Public Access Catalogue which is an electronic or online catalogue for materials available from the library. Another source for distance learners to search the information is from electronic databases such as Emerald, Prosiest, NSP e-Media and BLISS to name a few bibliographic records of books, Journal articles, reports, book famous form of searching information in this information age is the Internet.Web search engine such as Google or Yahoo have developed their own search algorithm that can help students retrieve information, Journals, e-book, articles etc. Easier and faster. Research has shown that distance learners decide on using the Internet resources as their primary source in seeking for the information for their studies. Sati and Appropriator (2008) co nsider that almost all students use the Internet because it is convenient, easy and quick access.While the web search engine may be the easiest and fastest way to search for information, distance learners must remember that the accuracy and validity of information retrieved on the internet should be concerned. However most distance learners still choose web search engine such as Google to search for their daily information needs. Thompson, A. J. (2007) found that 83 percent of students from her research used web pages as their daily information resources. The tendency of distance learners uses the Internet for information searching because of the time constraint distance learners have.Many distance learners are studying alongside a Job or family commitments. Communication skills Communication is one of the most important aspects in distance learner. Julia Wood defines communication as a â€Å"systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to create and interpret meanings† (pa topic 4 module English Communication). Communication is effective when the recipient of the message understands its meaning and can express that meaning back to the speaker or the ender of the message. In a meanwhile, an ineffective communication occurs when the meaning is not understood.Good communication is important in helping you to enhance the quality of work, develop a stable relationship and inhibit misunderstandings, and navigate daily deadlines. Good communication skills also give people an edge in getting the Jobs they want and help them move up the ladder to better paid positions. There are three types of communication in the workplace, which are formal communication, informal communication and non-verbal communication. Formal communication is a message or information delivered wrought the organization.Bartok and Martin, define formal communication as â€Å"Formal communication refers to vertical and horizontal communication that flows path specified by the official hierarchical organizational structure and related task (http://thebusinesscommunication. Com). Example, in a workplace where employee getting information or instruction from superior is consider as a formal communication. The formal communication is aimed to complete a tasks to meet the management goals. Informal communication can be defined as informal and spontaneous or also known as a grapevine. Grapevine is an informal network of information among employees.Grapevine can be defined as rumors, even though they are rumors it is also useful to management. This is because through the grapevine, management is capable to deliver information and receive feedback faster without involving too much high cost in achieving it. Informal communication is designed to express the individual desires and interests. People are more relaxed and comfortable when they are in an informal gathering where they sharing or barriers. Example, when you communicate with your lecturer after c lass, you are ore comfortable because it is more flexible and no formal communication required during that time.Nonverbal communication is a type of communication that does not involve writing, either words or verbal. Nonverbal communication is the best technique to communicate emotions. Nonverbal communication involves many different channels that express meaning beyond what is being said. These include body movements, facial expressions, gestures and even vocal tone and pitch. Much of the nonverbal information we get from people comes from the eyes (Bloomberg Business Library – Survive Office Politics. 006, pop-45. App). Nonverbal communication represents you to other people.Nonverbal communication plays an important role in the workplace, especially when you are dealing with the public. Your body gestures, the way you talk and eyes contact can tell a lot about yourself to the other person whether or not you are care, if you are being honest, and how well you are listening. The public can gain trust, clarity and rapport when the nonverbal signal match up with the words you are saying. Otherwise, when they do not understand the message or the message not received well this can create tension, struts and confusion.Eye contact, by looking a person in the eyes when making conversation is often considered the ultimate form of respect. You also can tell them by looking in the eyes that what they are saying is important and understood. Tone of voice also one of the important element in nonverbal communication skills. Tone of voice provides powerful clues into your true feelings throughout pitch, inflection and volume. For example, tone of voice is a quick sign of sarcasm, confidence, frustration or agreement. Nonverbal communication is not only crucial in workplace but also in our daily routine life especially for distance learner.Whether interviewing for a Job, working with a client, or interacting with your colleague, by being able to understand and use no nverbal signals is a powerful tools in enhance human interactions and working skills. Communication skills whether it's formal, informal or nonverbal, it is vital for distance learner. This is because it is helping you to understand better about the studies. Effective communication starts with you. It may require some time and effort to get it right, but you will see the benefits in outstanding performance and purport.Conclusion It is proven from the research studied shown that study skills is vital for distance learners. As a distance learner, it is essentially important to plan your study and monitor your progress to make sure that you were on the right track with your studies. There are many information in the student services and website to help you with your learning. This page provides information that distance learning students, in general may find it useful for their studies. It helps them to understand and cope with their studies.